QR-codes from formula in virtual column

Hello. I am trying to use virtual columns to generate QR-codes for people to register timesheets and other information on projects. 

The virtual columns is using EncodeUrl(), and when the bot that is sending email with the pdf attachment it completes and sends the rigth input to the pdf attachment. However, when i get the email, all the QR-codes are identical. They link to the startpage of the app, not the specific view I have specified. My virtual columns are set to image type. 

Is there someone who has encountered a similar problem?

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Welcome to the AppSheet community.

If you could elaborate by sharing relevant details such as template and results , QR code VC expression etc., the community could help you better. Of course please hide any confidential data you may have, while sharing details.


This is the expression in the virtual column [QRTimefรธring]:


As you can see I am using an API to generate QR-codes. The virtual column creates the rigth url because when I use the bot monitor app and copy the link thats created in the virtual column, I get a QR-code that takes me to the specific view in the app. 

This is the template I am using. When the QR-codes appear in the template the qr code takes me to the startpage of the app. 


It seems like the information in the url have vanished because the info in the QR-code in the pdf attachment is: https://www.appsheet.com/start/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you. You may want to elaborate what you mean by "

"When the QR-codes appear in the template the qr code takes me to the startpage of the app." Especially what you mean by the startpage of the app. as it is not a standard term in AppSheet.

Also somehow the template expression appears to show only one record details. It is not clear how the multiple QR codes are being generated. Typically multi record QR codes should have a <<START expression, if there is one QR code per record? 


I have two virtual columns that creates urls per record (project) which calls the api separately.  Like this (the ones with the stars): 


The QR-codes should take the user to to different views in the app when they scan the code.

What I mean by "When the QR-codes appear in the template the qr code takes me to the startpage of the app."  is that the generated QR-codes doesnt take me to the specific Form-view I am specifying in the virtual column formula. When the QR-code appears in the pdf-attachment the information it contains is: https://www.appsheet.com/start/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 

and not as it is calculated in the virtual columns: https://www.appsheet.com/start/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx#table=dbo.Timer&page=form&defaults={"Prosjekt":"xxxxxxxx"})

the info after the # in the url: #table=dbo.Timer&page=form&defaults={"Prosjekt":"xxxxxxxx"}) seems to disappear.

Thank you for the details. However the documents you have shared are not accessible.

Anyway, is this understanding correct that. The PDF generated through bot shares a few QR codes with the user.  Each QR code in the PDF is supposed to take the reader to a different form view in the same app. Please correct if the understanding is not correct.

If this understanding is correct, I will also perform some testing and revert if I come up with any solution. In the meantime, I believe you have by now shared sufficient details, so someone else having any solution will also pitch in.

Your understanding is correct, in advance thank you for your help:)

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