Question about duration

Hello probably a simple question but i canโ€™t find the answer.
so here is my app:
It about completing jobs and traveling between two destinations before doing the job (lets just say the employe has to drive for x number of hours to get there). I donโ€™t know how to make my duration work. So I have a column in witch they can input the type of job EX: travel, type of job1, type of job2, type of job3โ€ฆ and after that there is a second column with start and end. How do i calculate the duration between the start and the end? Do i need to have an unique value in order to be able to do it? or some sort of a ticket number? Also what is the formula that i need to input. Obviously its purpose for me to know how long it took to get to the customer is so that i can bill this. And also i need to know how long it took him to do the job in order to see if it was a normal job or a long. The duration for traveling will be the only one that I will be billing. The job it self will be billed by another way its just to have the statistic.

Thank you

0 27 1,575

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Add a column called (e.g.) Time Spent to your table and set the app formula to:

  ([end] - [start])

thank you steve for the quick answer but perhaps i was not clear enough. once you chose your job type then you press start They are both a part of a different column (job type and start end). after the job is complete you close it but on my sheet the start and close end up in the same column. so what i need is that employee A open a job at 10 am and employe B open a job at 10:01 AM the sheet need to compute when they close that exact same job later with the duration of each. I hope it is not getting even more complicated for you.

Not entirely clear, but I think you mean the start tine and end tine are captured in separate rows? So employee might start a job, which is recorded by a row indicating that the job started and when, then later the employee finishes the job, which is recorded by a different row indicating that the job ended and when. Yes?

exactly they are in separated rows (BTW i can close them in the same even if its is done hours later??? but that is for another time hahaha). So lets say employe A starts the job in my row i get : ID(uniqueID), time, week number, type of job, and a start. When they close I get the same but a close on the same column as i got a start, + other information like what he did on the job but i think that is irrelevant.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

How do you decide which end row goes with which start row? There need to be some way to tie them together. From there, calculating the duration is easy.

well thats maybe my big problem. When there is a job type there is always a ticket number witch has to be entered in the begging and in the end. (i would love to get the formula for that). but when i need to travel that is not a part of a ticket so i need to find a way to ID it differently each time but also that that number is repeated only once to close the same trip (travel). What i am trying to do is to get this app to do my job and that i can bill my customers almost automatically if the employees do their job correctly. And thank you very much for the time you are giving me.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Hmmmโ€ฆ The kind of app you want us possible, but Iโ€™m thinking you may need more help than we can provide here in the community if you want something quickly. Have you read this:

thanks can you tell me the formula for calculating duration based on my ticket number then? please

Okay, so what we need to calculate the duration is a way to match the end row with the start row. Will a given ticket number only ever occur twice in the table, once in the start row and once in the end row? Or can work on a ticket start and end multiple times?

I have a ticket number and a customer ID. The ticket number should (obvously if someone inputs the wrong one I cant control it) be occuring only once since every new customer demand generates a new ticket. I am not looking for the miraculous solution even if some jobs i dont get the duration it is ok. I know some employรฉes wont even start the job. As i said earlyer this is more for a statistic perpose.

I just had an idea! Can we put a โ€˜โ€˜ifโ€™โ€™ formula for duration. Lets say it goes something like this:

if in column 1 i chose travel: calculate duration from unique ID in column 5, and if it is anything else than travel then calculate duration from unique ID in column 7

So no two rows will ever have the same ticket number, so thereโ€™s no way to match a start job row with a corresponding end job row?

Is โ€œunique IDโ€ the same thing as โ€œticket numberโ€?

it is the same ticket number for a starting the job and ending the same job (that is if the employรฉ starts the job) and no the uniquie ID is just to make sure there will never be a mistake on the part of my employรฉes (that row is not even visible).

Is there something in the row that indicates that the row is a start row or and end row? Or is the start row merely the first row with the ticket number and the end row is the second row with the ticket number?

yes there is a column in wich it says either start or end. so first row its: employee name, start, ticked ID, customer number. next row employee name, end, same ticked ID, same customer number.

I dont want to use the customer number since a customer number can be repeated but not the ticket number.

Why do you want two rows (start & end) per ticket?

so that i can calculate the duration between when my employee got to the job and Left?

Whatโ€™s the name of your table?


Okay. Iโ€™ve spent a considerable amount of time thinking about this problem, to the point of designing tables for you, but I think the easiest solution would be to use a single row per ticket, with columns like these:


  • Type: Name
  • Show?: ON
  • Suggested values: SORT(SELECT(Fermeture[Name], TRUE, TRUE))
  • Key: OFF
  • Editable?: ON
  • Require?: ON
  • Label: OFF
  • Searchable: ON


  • Type: Text
  • Show?: ON
  • Valid If: ISBLANK(FILTER("Fermeture", AND(ISNOTBLANK([Ticket]), ([Ticket] = [_THISROW].[Ticket]))) - LIST([_THISROW]))
  • Key: OFF
  • Editable?: ON
  • Require?: ON
  • Label: ON
  • Searchable: ON

Job Type

  • Type: Text
  • Show?: ON
  • Key: OFF
  • Editable?: ON
  • Require?: ON
  • Label: OFF
  • Searchable: ON

Start When

  • Type: DateTime
  • Show?: ON
  • Initial value: NOW()
  • Key: OFF
  • Editable?: ON
  • Require?: ON
  • Label: OFF
  • Searchable: OFF

End When

  • Type: DateTime
  • Show?: ON
  • Valid If: ([_THIS] > [Start When])
  • Key: OFF
  • Editable?: ON
  • Require?: ON
  • Label: OFF
  • Searchable: OFF


  • Type: Text
  • Show?: OFF
  • Key: ON
  • Initial value: UNIQUEID()
  • Editable?: FALSE
  • Require?: ON
  • Label: OFF
  • Searchable: OFF

Duration (virtual column)

  • Type: Duration
  • Show?: ON
  • App formula: IFS(ISNOTBLANK([End When]), ([End When] - [Start When]))
  • Key: OFF
  • Editable?: ON
  • Label: OFF
  • Searchable: OFF

i will create a new app with this infor you provided me i am curious how it will behave. for now i manged to do this formula but it is not working.



AND([time] = [_THISROW].[time]

,[ticket #] = [_THISROW].[ticket #]

, [Statuts] = โ€˜โ€˜startโ€™โ€™,

[tech name] = [_THISROW].[tech name])))

โ€œStatutsโ€ spelled correctly?

Why is this there? I wouldnโ€™t think this needed.

AND([time] = [_THISROW].[time]
,[ticket #] = [_THISROW].[ticket #]
, [Status] = โ€˜startโ€™,
[tech name] = [_THISROW].[tech name])))

this is the working formula at last, my error was that i put two โ€˜โ€™ instead of 1 '.(sry i dont know how to call this) thank you with everything you did steve

Hello steve,
i just re did all the tables as you mentioned on the post above from your app. I canโ€™t see how the end time is supposed to get picked automaticaly. All i do it still asks me to input the end time manually.

please don`t leave me there

Gotta let me have the night off, bud.

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