Question about the upload destination drive for files

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


When uploading a file to a File type column, it is occasionally saved in the app owner's My Drive, not the drive set as the Default app folder. The users who uploaded the files are not the same, and there are no error records in the audit history, so I don't know the cause. Does anyone know the cause and how to resolve it?

0 4 178

If your app is based primarily on a gsheet, the files are uploaded relative (at or below) to that gsheet's location, and further specified by the File/Image columns folder path setting.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Thank you for response, @Marc_Dillon .

My app is based on gsheet as you guessed, and usuallly files are uploaded intended folder at located same revel as gsheet. Sometimes it happens files are saved to the app owner's My Drive.

That sounds highly unusual. Are you meaning that the files appear at the root of the app owner's gdrive? Where are the gsheet and intended folder located?

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Are you meaning that the files appear at the root of the app owner's gdrive?
โ†’Yes,It happens sometimes, not always.
Gsheet and intended folder are located in shared drive.

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