Question about unique id

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Can I make it so that the user can create the unique id in detail view?

Perfably by enum?

I would like to make it so that the first few alphabet and digits are like a sub category.


So for example, I get to choose between;

aa001(means Fruit category)

bb001 (means Vegetable category)

and then a  unique id followed by it.


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You can make the user choose the category, then put the following expression in your key column:

[category] & UNIQUEID()

View solution in original post

Category column can be Enum, while the composite key column should be Text. 

Yes, Initial Value. 

View solution in original post


You can make the user choose the category, then put the following expression in your key column:

[category] & UNIQUEID()

Former Community Member
Not applicable

Do I make a Enum Type and put that expression in the INITIAL VALUE?

Category column can be Enum, while the composite key column should be Text. 

Yes, Initial Value. 

Former Community Member
Not applicable

Thank you sir!

Welcome my friend!

Former Community Member
Not applicable


Follow up question!

Your method has worked perfectly, thank you.

But one thing;

 [category] & UNIQUEID()

made me allow to put the information of category with unique id, but for instance let's say I made a mistake and chose the wrong category at first. Then I can't seem to change the category that has now combined with the unique id.


Is there a work around?

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