Question related to APP Launcher for different user group

Questions about APP Launcher
I have made an APP Launcher, let’s say I’ve 4 different user groups with 6 different APPs, and want to control what app is available to what user group, for example: group 1 can access ALL APP, group 2 can only access 1,2,3,6, group 3 can only access 1,2,4,5,6, group 4 can only access 2,3,6
What is the best way to do it? Security filter? Slice? or other way?

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Hi @Fusion_Incense, the way I would implement this kind of feature would be to have a table that lists which apps are available to each group.
Assuming you have a table that contains all your apps, you could use a security filter to allow only apps that are allowed to the current users group.
Does that makes sense?

@Gil not really, can you elaborate more?

You mean the table something like this?

TimeStamp UniID UserGroup APP1 APP2 APP3 APP4 APP5 APP6
2019/6/22 14:54 xxxxxxxx A Y Y Y Y Y Y
2019/6/22 14:54 xxxxxxxx B Y Y Y N N Y
2019/6/22 14:54 xxxxxxxx C Y Y N Y Y Y
2019/6/22 14:54 xxxxxxxx D N Y Y N N Y

@Gil means something like…

APP Name Groups APP Link
App #1 A,B,C,D,E App#1Name-123456
App #2 A,D App#2Name-123456
App #3 D,E App#3Name-123456
App #4 E App#4Name-123456

@Aleksi I see, than how’s the Security filter formula should be? and for each user I need a new column to determined which group they fall into right? Is there a sample app I can refer to?

Easier way would be a user table with two columns, email address and group. Then you can read the group letter for the user who is using the app with a LOOKUP. Then you could create a slice like IN(LOOKUP(USEREMAIL(),Users,Email,Group),[Group]). Group column needs to be an EnumList. Slice would be enough because the menu is not sensitive. You should still need a Whitelist for each app and that will actually control who can use the app.

@Gil @Aleksi Thank you! I’ll give it a try, @Aleksi when you mean Whitelist for each app, meaning there is not a place where I can control who access from the APP Launcher right?

For the APP Launcher table this is what it should look like?

APP Name Groups APP Link
App #1 A,B,C,D,E App#1Name-123456
App #2 A,D App#2Name-123456
App #3 D,E App#3Name-123456
App #4 E App#4Name-123456

A,B,C,D,E? inside of a column? sorry @Aleksi still a bit confuse

and for the User access table something looks like this?

UserEmail Groups A B C A

meaning user can access A B C
and user can only access A?

Something like this where the Groups column is an EnumList field.

UserEmail Groups A,B,C A

@Aleksi Great, Thank You again for saving my day, I’ll give it a try.

You’re welcome

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