REF_ROWS from different slices in the same table

Hi Guys, I have a question, look at the picture I uploaded below:

Why do the Related Controls 2 columns not show in the quote form?

Screenshot 2023-03-22 204750.png


0 5 109

You can only show one child table for this table (even you are using two slices)

I think I did it

Screenshot 2023-03-22 233525.png

You can have as much Inline Views as you want, make sure to have Slices for each one and configure both the App Formula as well as the Table inside the VC Config.

What you are doing is a little bit different, because you have them inside a Form view. That's not something I have played with but I imagine you try.

References between tables - AppSheet Help

Sure thing,

I have another question. The Control table has a column called "Criteria". This Column has a dropdown values "Included" and "Excluded". Is it possible to set the value in the criteria column  to "Included" when user select "Related Controls 1" and viece versa?

I am using this formula as initially value in criteria column but it's not working

CONTEXT("view")="control 2_Form","Excluded",
CONTEXT("view")="control 1_Form","Included",


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