Re-Run PARENT Formula When CHILD is modified, or Added


I need to be able to run just a single Formula in my Parent when I add, delete, or modify a Child

I've search around, most answer point to a set of ACTIONS, one precisely mentiones creating a virtual collumn called "recalculate" and put the data to be changed in there, then trigger the action to the "Save" button of the child form.

All good but in "Set these collumns" the Virtual Collumn I just created is missing, I've tried to change the type of data from NUMBER to TEXT, nothing.

Any idea WHY I can't see the collumn?

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So common a question, it's got it's own dedicated video:


View solution in original post


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If the parent column containing the App formula is a virtual column and the child row in fact references the parent row, any change to a column of the child row should automatically prompt the virtual columns of the parent to recalculate.

I know I've seen this question asked here somewhere already.
There's lots of different ways, both simple and complicated to do this.

What you would need is a an action on the child, which also triggers a change in the related Parent (whatever change that is).
That's the only way to recalculate the formula in the Parent.

Try a Group Action containing two more actions:  1) Execute Action on a sequence of rows (pointing to the records in the parent), 2) A set the value of some columns in this row (which runs on the parent, changing something [a date modified or a counter maybe?]).

Yes to all of that, But in my list of "set these collumns" the collumn I want to trigger, well does not appear 

Capture dโ€™eฬcran, le 2022-08-02 aฬ€ 10.34.12.png

So common a question, it's got it's own dedicated video:


Thanks, I had watched the video, I find the documentation was clearer for me at least


thanks for all your help

So Far it's running great but if I Might, I'm trying to do the same on the DELETE button,


I've created a Grouped action that Triggers DELETE and RECALCULATE, but for some reason, well it doenst recalculate...


I believe My errror is in the Referenced Row Formula

Right now its : List([Parent ID])

To point to the PArent ID collumn in the Child's Table,


Am i correct ? thanks

You're actually running into an order-of-operations problem

  • You want to say... here for these records (or for this record) delete it... then do something else.
  • The problem.... you deleted the thing you want to do something with
    • So the system has nothing on which to operate

The solution is moving your updates into automation, triggering them off the delete of the record

  • Which might require some re-work of your actions and things.

Thanks, using the Bots work, however, it doesn't work offline.

Any way to move that to an offline thing ?

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