
Hi new to Appsheet & stuck on what is likely an easy fix.  I have a table with a text field in it (non key, non unique) and I would like to link it to another table with the same text field (non key, non unique) so that I can show the table of data on a form.  The only way I can make this work is by making the first text field a key and leveraging the Ref_Rows function however there will always be duplicates in both.  Any ideas would be welcome!

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Welcome to the community!

The only way to achieve your objective is to have a separate table listing the unique values of your text column. You should then establish references from both of your existing tables to that new table. You won't need to use any expressions. 

I encourage you first to read the guides below carefully, and the community is here to help you with any doubts.

Data: The Essentials | AppSheet Help Center 

References Between Tables | AppSheet Help Center 

All the best!

I will give this a try!

I do yes and I've found that I can only show the drill-down data in a neat table when it links to a unique key which unfortunately my data doesn't (its many-many)

I do not clearly understand your requirements.

Suppose you have

T1: t1_id(key), txt_fld

T2: t2_id(key), txt_fld

Is your objective to show unique values of txt_fld in T1 in a dropdown list of txt_fld in T2 when entering a new row in T2?

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