Ref selection using another column instead of the label

Hi I have a somewhat regular Customer, Project, Task type database. And I do mean database, the new Appsheet database as it happens.

I would like my user to select a project to associate with a task however I wanted to use a VC to list the projects as "Customer (Project)". Appsheet Database however does not allow a VC as the label field. I want to avoid the mess when the customer name changes hence why I am not making Customer a database column. Oddly, this appears to occur far too often. Having to run an automation to update the Customer name on each project record if the customer name changes just seems unnecessary. 

I suspect there is a way to work around the Appsheet Database restriction on labels but I cannot quite think of what it is. Any suggestions? All I want to do is to use a non label as the value in the dropdown list but store the key value against the task. 

BTW, it is quite possible that two projects have the same Title. Only the customer name distinguishes them. 

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I also find this difference limiting. Hope it will be fixed soon.

As workarounds ideas...

1) Ask customers to create tasks from the Projects table using LINKTOFORM to pass the project ID or to use the Add button below the inline tasks table (

2) In the Tasks table, create a column for users to choose a non-label value (valid-if, projects[non label] and another ref column to store corresponding project ids/keys with an App Formula using LOOKUP()

Both will force different behaviors on customers but again, these are workarounds....

View solution in original post


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AppSheet Database is currently a preview feature and under active development. Preview features are not yet suitable for use in important apps. Until it has achieved greater stability, I recommend against using this preview feature except for testing and to help the AppSheet developers in their efforts. To follow the progress of and contribute to the development effort, please visit this dedicated Community topic:

Introducing new AppSheet database feature ...

Steve, thanks for this response. I am actually taking one of my existing apps that is mainly used on a desktop and re-writing it using both the current previews. Its not critical but I have been trying to learn how things differ and what changes are needed. 

This is one issue I have not found a simple solution for.

I also find this difference limiting. Hope it will be fixed soon.

As workarounds ideas...

1) Ask customers to create tasks from the Projects table using LINKTOFORM to pass the project ID or to use the Add button below the inline tasks table (

2) In the Tasks table, create a column for users to choose a non-label value (valid-if, projects[non label] and another ref column to store corresponding project ids/keys with an App Formula using LOOKUP()

Both will force different behaviors on customers but again, these are workarounds....

@TeeSee1 wrote:

2) In the Tasks table, create a column for users to choose a non-label value (valid-if, projects[non label] and another ref column to store corresponding project ids/keys with an App Formula using LOOKUP()

I was trying this idea but it does appear to work. Thanks

LOOKUP([_THISROW].[TempColumn], "RefTable", "VC Column", "Row ID")

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