Reference a table from 2 different apps

I want to have 2 separate apps (i.e. Lost Property App & Laundry Service App)
Each app’s data includes a reference to a “Customer” table (one customer can claim many lost property & one customer can book many laundry service)
My understanding is that to reference “Customer” in each app the customer table must be defined in each app, but then updates to Customer would need to be done twice.
Is there a way to define “Customer” in one location and use it as reference in multiple apps?
Am I missing something simple?

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Unless you set a Valid if expression to enforce your key column validity, you can safely mix key column values generated with UNIQUEID() and UNIQUEID("UUID") without worry.

View solution in original post


If both apps are under the same Google account (and therefore the back-end gSheets) you can share the tables between apps for sure.

Thanks for reply.
I do understand that Table Data can be used in multiple apps.
My problem is that each app defines what is valid data and one app may cause the second not to work.
i.e in Lost property App I set the initial value of “Customer Id” to =UNIQUEID(“uuid”)
when I added Customer table to Laundry service app the initial value of “Customer Id” was set to =UNIQUEID(). If I didn’t change this, Laundry Service app could create a customer record that was not valid for use in the Lost Property app.

Is there a way to DEFINE in a single location what is valid data for “Customer” and use this definition in multiple apps?

Unless you set a Valid if expression to enforce your key column validity, you can safely mix key column values generated with UNIQUEID() and UNIQUEID("UUID") without worry.

Hi @Filgand
I think you need a separate table for customers

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