Referenced Virtual column Issue: Row data changes after saving app changes

I have two tables.. 
Table A and Table B

Table A references Table B using a 'list' type column with formula REF_ROWS("Table B", "parent_id")

Table B's column parent_id is of 'ref' type

In Table B, I have created virtual columns to save the data of some of Table A that I use to combine with other data inserted into Table B through a form in order to create a report (pdf/xlsx)
Virtual columns are constructed as [parent_id].[Table A Column].
When I add a new row for Table B through the appropriate form, Table A's content is saved into Table B's virtual columns accurately. 

I am having an issue however.

Since I am still developing the application, I noticed that when I add a new virtual column and save the changes, after refreshing, some of the previous virtual columns are outputting incorrect data even though the formula remains unchanged. 

Update: I have confirmed that it occurs just by synchronizing the app without making any additional changes to the app structure. It also occurs for basic users as opposed to just admin.

Am I referencing the other table incorrectly?

This is my first experience referencing other tables.. I've heard of creating a parent table for both Table A and Table B used for creating reports, but I would expect the same behaviors to occur. 

Does anyone have a clue what could be occurring?

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Please show the columns of your tables and clarify what do you mean by incorrect data, what is the expected behavior vs what you are getting?

Also please note that virtual columns do not save data; they are re-calculated with each sync for all rows in the table.


I let it alone for a while, but I am facing the same issue so here are some screenshots of my app.  I hope you can help resolve my problem.

I have a parent table called 'Form Data' that contains a column called 'Total Cost' that I am trying to access through dereference expressions. 


I have a child table called 'Proforma' with a column 'Deal_ID' that is of 'Ref' type that is referencing the 'Form Data' table.


On the proforma table, I have a column 'Growth Equity' where I have the app formula [Deal_ID].[Total Cost].


When I view the Total Cost output from the 'Form Data View' it shows the correct total of 721,580. 
When I view the Growth Eqity output from the Proforma View it shows an incorrect total of 1,702,680

Form Data View                                                             Proforma View


If I use a select() expression I can extract it correctly, but all the examples I see of the dereference expressions seem to work fine in other people's apps. 

What would cause mine to output wrong data?

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