Referencing two tables with no common fields?

I have two data tables of related information, one that comes from an outside vendor that lists locations and training done at each location.  I have another table with all our location contact info in it.  The problem is, there is no "key" field in common with the two data sets, and I need to be able to reference the contact info from the vendor info.  The vendor uses their own "location name" as their primary key, which sometimes matches our location name but rarely exactly.  They will not use our location number (long story, short version: It will never happen).  

What is the least-worst approach to dealing with this?  I thought about making a "crossover" table or something, but really what I need to be able to do is associate each vendor with the matching contact info record within the app somehow (like a reconciliation view) so that as new stores open, they can be added.  Any thoughts on an approach?  Thanks!

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I solved this by creating a separate crossover table with a "reconciliation" interface in the app so that it can be easily maintained.  Basically Marc's suggestion, but more elegant.

View solution in original post


Add a Vendor_Location_Name column to your table.

Sounds like you (or someone) just needs to manually go through and connect one system's location names with the other system's.

I solved this by creating a separate crossover table with a "reconciliation" interface in the app so that it can be easily maintained.  Basically Marc's suggestion, but more elegant.

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