Registration according to user

Hi, i want to register data upload per user.

So, i have a sheet were a register every movement of an inventory. I want to add a column to know who made that action base on who is using the app.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-10 a la(s) 10.33.17.png

โ€ƒ(This is the table were i want to add at the last column the user who added that row).

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks and best regards!


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if you use usermail(), the field type can be email and the function should be used either in the formula or initial value expression. If you user username(), the field type can be either text or name.

You used valid if event. it is used to validate the field value. Not for this purpose.

View solution in original post


Yes possible. You can use the logged email ID that represent the specific user. This is easy. There is a function USERMAIL() can be used in the initial value/formula of the field . You can also create your own user id /password, but that one a bit tricky here, not straight forward. 


Last question, that mail is associated to a name (my gmail has my name associated) is it possible to register that name instead of the email?

On that case, the function is USERNAME(), if i am not mistaken.

But witch type of column i have to use? when i define in data validity with enum type, both options shows an error.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-10 a la(s) 10.53.34.png

if you use usermail(), the field type can be email and the function should be used either in the formula or initial value expression. If you user username(), the field type can be either text or name.

You used valid if event. it is used to validate the field value. Not for this purpose.

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