Related Items not showing in email or attachments, can you help?


My workorders app, similar to the Order Captures App template isn't populating the Related Orders in the reports/emails. I am using the default template. I added a section to see if removing the data from the tables would help and it is the same. I've compared the structure with other templates and I can't identify where it's going wrong. Any suggestions?



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Well, you all are not going to believe this.... I took both of your leads @James_Burns@Hamlet   and started fresh, linking one at a time. Contract worked, Time and Materials didn't and broke everything again . I removed it from my main app and boom, it all works. I know you're not supposed to use special characters in column headers and now I see why.  

So, [Date & Timestamp] has no issues operating but [Total T&M Time] throws it off in the Referenced rows even though it works in the output.

FIX: I added spaces to [Total T & M Time]  to separate the & symbol and it all works. I will be removing the & symbol from all headers to prevent any further unexpected results.

 I thank you both for so much of your time and help on this! Hopefully this helps someone in the future

View solution in original post


If my understanding is correct, your start expression needs to refer to the Contracts table (presuming one exists). So something like <<Start:[Contracts]>><<[Project_ID].[Project_ID]>> or <<Start: SELECT(Contracts[Contract_ID],[_THISROW].[Project_ID]=[Project_ID])>><<[Project_ID]>> may work.

See here for more on Start Expressions:

This resulted in errors: 

The Order Capture template is the same as the default template, here's the link

Run task "Send an email"

  • Error 1 : 'Handle new Workorders record 2' task 'Send an email' Attachment template. Expression '[Contract]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'Contract', did you mean 'Customer'?.
  • Error 2 : 'Handle new Workorders record 2' task 'Send an email' Attachment template. Start expression '[Contract]' should generate a List of Ref values. Please verify that it generates a List and that the contents of the List are Ref values. Ref values should come from the 'Key' column of the referenced table.
  • Error 3 : 'Handle new Workorders record 2' task 'Send an email' Body template. Expression '[Contract]' is invalid due to: Unable to find column 'Contract', did you mean 'Customer'?


These are the columns in the Contract Table:



What is the key column for your Contracts table?


Did you try: <<Start: SELECT(Contracts[Contract_ID],[_THISROW].[Project_ID]=[Project_ID])>><<[Project_ID]>> ?

Perhaps this: <<Start:[Related Contracts]>><<[Contract_ID].[Project_ID]>>

The select statement pulls data but I think the _THISROW reference is off. 

The 2nd suggestion didn't pull anything

Here is a copy of my Sheet that I'm building off, yellow is key, blue referenced keys


I think there are a couple of ways to pull the data but I'm concerned that something is off if the default template isn't working with the Related Tables

Can you describe how the _THISROW reference is off?

Try: <<Start: ORDERBY(SELECT(Contract[Contract_ID],[_THISROW].[Workorder_ID]=[Workorder_ID]),[Contract_ID],FALSE)>>


I replaced Project_ID with Workorder_ID from the initial suggestion , it was pulling everything from the project instead of the parent workorder.

none of it is pulling anything at the moment, see the screenshot (with all suggestions)Capture.PNG


<<Start:[Related Contracts]>>



nothing... I don't know a lot about <<Start>> and <<End>>, is it ok to have multiple ones on the form?


Yep. You can even have them nested.

Quick question,

Do you have the [Related Contracts] virtual column showing up in your Workorders Columns section in the editor?

I do, here is the screenshot of the column view for workorders showing the related contracts

contracts shot.PNG

That looks like it should. One way I test things is using Virtual columns to try the expressions. Try adding a Virtual Column with just [Related Contracts][Project_ID] and click on the TEST option and see if it brings the right information.

Thank you for this, very helpful for testing. The result is multiple listings of the [Project_ID] in the test

That means that <<Start: [Related Contracts]>> should be working on the template. You can try removing the template file location in the TASK and then clicking "create" to have AppSheet auto make a new one and see if on that one the <<Start>> expression works.

The only other thing I can think of is that somehow the values in the column [Workorder_ID] of the CONTRACT table are not exactly the same as the values in the column [Workorder_ID] of the WORKORDERS table. So the <<Start: [Related Contracts]>> it's not bringing any data since it can't find the records that it's pointing to.

In the app it does show the related workorders though.. 

I see. Well maybe it's just the record you are testing the template on? Try the template on different WORKORDERS records. Because from what I can see, it should be working with just <<Start: [Related Contracts]]>>

I keep making new ones and saving them to double check... Trying different customers as well and different items. 

I agree, it Should be working.. It's making me crazy

Are you using security filters or some kind of filter based on usersettings? @BriW307 


I deleted the space between Start: and [Related...] from the template. Try now.


<<Start: [Related..]>>




No change



I set up a quick test app and used your report template and it's generating the following output... is this what you're expecting to see?

yes! Any clue's on my end where the glitch is?

Can you confirm the following details:

Contract_ID is the key column for the Contract table.

Workorder_ID is the key column for the Workorders table.

The formula for Related Contacts is REF_ROWS("Contract", "Workorder_ID").

The task is set to work against the Workorders table.












Is the task sending an email or creating a file?

I've verified the key columns, and formula, it is set against workorders 

and the formulacontract Capture.PNG


The task was to send an email 

Perhaps you can pare the template back to basics and then build back from there. Or as @Hamlet suggested, create a new template and start again from there.

Here's the template I used:
and here's the output email I received:

Well, you all are not going to believe this.... I took both of your leads @James_Burns@Hamlet   and started fresh, linking one at a time. Contract worked, Time and Materials didn't and broke everything again . I removed it from my main app and boom, it all works. I know you're not supposed to use special characters in column headers and now I see why.  

So, [Date & Timestamp] has no issues operating but [Total T&M Time] throws it off in the Referenced rows even though it works in the output.

FIX: I added spaces to [Total T & M Time]  to separate the & symbol and it all works. I will be removing the & symbol from all headers to prevent any further unexpected results.

 I thank you both for so much of your time and help on this! Hopefully this helps someone in the future

Wow! I did not know that something like that would break it. Glad to know you figured it out!

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