Related Ref view show wrong data by move to ref

Hello everybody.

I have the following problem:

I have build a App, where article can add to invoices.

I have tabs and one of the is the article tab.

On this, we can add and delete article to the invoice.

The list show the referenced article from the invoice with the columns:

Number, Quantity, Price

Everything works fine till i move the related article view from menu to ref, cause i dont want to show this list in the app.

After i move it to ref, the list only show the number and the row id, but i select the columns i write bevor.

i dont understand why this happens and it would be great, someone can tell me whats wrong.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


0 2 58
  • UX

The view that shows as the "inline" view is chosen by the system automatically based on a few things, including its "prominence". By moving your view from "menu" to "ref", I suspect the system is giving priority to some other view instead. To figure out which view that is, use the blue "view" link underneath the emulator. You can perhaps just edit that view to match your needs.

Hello Marc and thanks for your reply.

I know what you mean, but with the link, you cannot view the form view, cause the link is shown the invoices form, and not the inline view in this table. Ive tripple check every setting and i dont understand the problem. I have the original view related artikel invoices for the form, where the invoice are creating, works fine, till i move it to the ref view. I have an alternative view, for invoices in the detail, create with a slice and without the permission to change or delete rows. this view work also perfect.

I thought, maybe i have to create an other slice, with the permission adds and show this in the invoices form. i made every setting in the slice, column and views exactly the same like the other slice, but with this view, nothing would be shown. 

the only way this work, is to let the article invoice view in the menu and set it to not show.


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