Related column display in pdf template

Hey guys,

I have an app with two tables (Table 1 and Table 2).

I insert data into table 2 through the table with a Related Column

I create a bot to generate a PDF file of my entered data.

And I also create a default template that is generated like this:


when i enter any information the pdf file is generated but the information i enter through the related column does not appear.


The generated file is displayed like this:


I want to know how I can put the related column information in these fields:






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Is the PDF being generated on parent record ADD? If so, it's being generated before the child records exist, and that's why they don't show up. Generate the PDF at a later time. I believe there is still a section in the help files about this exact scenario.

if the PDF is being generated before the child records exist... I think it's an error in the AppSheet architecture.

How is it possible to generate the pdf later??

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