Remove header from Group-By-Collapsed Table View?

When I have a table view that is collapsed with Group By (I used a second-level grouping of _RowNumber to achieve this), the view still shows the overall header at the top.

See below screenshot with the "header" row highlighted in red. (Screenshot is of a Dashboard view with the table view inside, but the behavior seems the same without the Dashboard). 


A Deck view doesn't seem to do this - "Payee", in this example, isn't there if I change it from deck view to table view.

But I'd rather do a Table view if I can, and there's a way to turn this header off for the table view. Any way to do that? 



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"Payee" is a column listed on the column header row of the Table View.  It is not there for Deck view because Deck views are not a columnar type view.

You can turn off the column header for Table Views with the setting shown below. But it will remove the column headers for ALL Table views.

If you are trying to hide the column header will the Grouping is collapsed and then show the column header once expanded, that is NOT currently possible.

Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 7.09.00 PM.png


View solution in original post


"Payee" is a column listed on the column header row of the Table View.  It is not there for Deck view because Deck views are not a columnar type view.

You can turn off the column header for Table Views with the setting shown below. But it will remove the column headers for ALL Table views.

If you are trying to hide the column header will the Grouping is collapsed and then show the column header once expanded, that is NOT currently possible.

Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 7.09.00 PM.png


Alas, I like the column headers on my other views! Thanks though - good to know the option. 

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