Remove text email Automation


I'd like to remove this text when automation send an email

[App version 1.000038 is not deployed. All emails are therefore being sent to the app creator. This email should have gone To '' CC'ed to '' and BCC'ed to '']

is it possible?


0 14 273

Deploy the app.

@dbaum wrote:

Deploy the app.

Is not allowed with free plan

Sending emails to addresses other than the app owner is not allowed without deploying the app.

thanks @dbaum 

I dont want to send emails to others addresses,
I only want to remove text that appear in message

[App version 1.000038 is not deployed. All emails are therefore being sent to the app creator. This email should have gone To '' CC'ed to '' and BCC'ed to '']

Any way to delete this message? any script in gmail?


Try digging into the email's underlying HTML and then in an HTML template for the email defining a style that would hide or otherwise suppress the content you don't want to see.

This is the problem, my code HTML is simple but that legend or text is automatic in appsheet, similar to "Sent from my iPhone" in email app IOS.
I dont know how to hide this text with HTML or  some script, filter in gmail.

@marinocity wrote:

that legend or text is automatic in appsheet

Yes, I'm also familiar with seeing that automatically inserted text when I'm using an undeployed app.

@marinocity wrote:

I dont know how to hide this text with HTML

I don't know for sure whether it's possible, but you could certainly explore. Here's what I would try if I needed to figure it out. Examine the HTML of the email you receive and determine whether there's some element you can use to distinguish that text from your own text. If necessary, you could potentially wrap your own text within some element or class solely for the purpose of forcing a distinction. Then, incorporate into your HTML template for the email a style definition that suppresses, hides, colors as transparent, or otherwise obscures the content you don't want to see.

@marinocity wrote:

filter in gmail

Gmail seems irrelevant. Emails generated by AppSheet's send an email automation task are not created via Gmail.

@marinocity wrote:

some script

You could also explore generating the email via an Apps Script project. Use AppSheet's call a script automation task instead of its send an email task.

Also, if you didn't try it already, consider deploying your app and configuring it for personal use only. While AppSheet functionality to send emails remains constrained if your account uses the free plan, maybe that text is not automatically inserted in emails for a deployed app.

Thanks @dbaum 

It's very difficult


<td id="m_-3787079679280314410template-header" style="font-size:16px;color:#3c4043;padding-bottom:30px">
[App version 1.000046 is not deployed. All emails are therefore being sent to the app creator. This email should have gone To '<a href="" target="_blank"></a>' CC'ed to '' and BCC'ed to '']



Number Always change...

Try setting a style for the td element. For example:

td {
  display: none

Thanks @dbaum 

But It doesnt work...


td { display: none; } 
<p>Mensaje de prueba.</p>

 Always shows ........[App version 1.000038 is not deployed. All emails are therefore being sent to the app......

In my original html code, I have a lot of [td],
If It'd work with td { display: none, }
it would be a problem.

If you want to keep trying, you could experiment with other style properties, such as visibility.

@marinocity wrote:

In my original html code, I have a lot of [td],
If It'd work with td { display: none, }
it would be a problem.

It would be tedious, but you could presumably override any global style by explicitly setting the display or other property within each td element.

thanks @dbaum 

I think is impossible change email that way, because when you insert html and css code in the box of automation is only for template, not for Appsheet text or logo in footer.

This text is not part of template

[App version 1.000038 is not deployed. All emails are therefore being sent to the app...... 

 there has to be another way when email arrive...

@marinocity wrote:

I think is impossible change email that way

That certainly may be. These were all just ideas to explore.

@marinocity wrote:

there has to be another way when email arrive

Seems doubtful. I've never heard of functionality (nor a use case) for editing a received email message. You might be able to automate duplicating the email message and editing the copy.

@dbaum wrote:

You might be able to automate duplicating the email message and editing the copy.

Yes, But I dont know how to do that

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