Report Truble

Hello community, how are you? Today I come to ask for your help because I am trying to generate an automatic report and I cannot find where my error is.

As I told you, I am trying to generate an automatic report (PDF and email body) every time a new row is added to this table.
My problem arises when I try to embed a REF field from another table in this report. First I tried to directly insert the Ref field (using <<[REF]>>), which logically returns the correct value, but this field is the ID and I need the label.  For this reason try to use the LOOKUP() expression, so that in relation to said ID it returns its corresponding label (using <<LOOKUP([REF],โ€REF TABLEโ€,โ€IDโ€,โ€LABELโ€)>> and <<LOOKUP("REF",โ€REF TABLEโ€,โ€IDโ€,โ€LABELโ€)>>).
Unfortunately the result of this when the report is generated is blank.

captura 1.jpg

captura 2.jpg

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

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Have you tried the following:



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Have you tried the following:



It woks !

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