Reports - Adding Graphs and Charts..

Hello all..

I have another question regarding reports.  At the moment I can get a "table" structure to print out relevant records on a daily report.  However is there any way to "spruce" up reports with Charts / Graphs with summary data (weekly / monthly summarys).  I am guessing that the summarising of data would be "pre report" processing (I have to figure out that part yet).  But even if I can summarise data can this be represented in the email template as something other than another table.



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If you share more details about your report, the community could suggest the most appropriate approach.

Is the report of a parent and child table together? Is the report for "ForEachRowInTable"?

Thanks for the reply.

This is more of a "what is possible"  than "how do I do" question.  I don't have a report designed as I don't know what is possible yet.  I would like to know the possibilities before I start the design process.

For example, is it possible to have a pie-chart element in the email template that would be populated by a list of records when the report generates?  If that IS possible are there any examples of a template that I could look at?  I might be able to figure it out from there..



Okay, thank you.


I think you had two simultaneous posts. So this response is more about reports "stopping related query". I am sorry that I responded to this thread instead of that "report related thread."

Anyway, in general what you are looking for -stopping the report when records are not there, should be possible. However where and what expression to include will depend on the actual construction of your report. The expression shared by you indicates child table rows with reverse reference column. So presence of parent table in the report needs to be known.


Hi Suvrutt..

I know you are trying to be helpful but in truth you are not really helping me much.  

I posted 2 questions as they are 2 different issues.  This one I was looking for the following:

 - Is it possible to include Charts / Graphs in reports?

 - If so, Is there an example template anywhere that I can use to get me started on how to do this.

If you have an answer to EITHER of these questions please feel to reply.



I guess I will answer my own question. NO - this is not possible.  As the template for emails is a Google Doc document, and Google Docs will ONLY use Google Sheets as a data source for Charts... then it does not allow for Appsheet to be a data source for these charts.  Which is a pity as it means that the only "reports" from Appsheet are tabular listing of records...

I would be quite happy to be proven wrong on this.




Technically AppSheet is not storing any data, everything is stored in the underlying data sources, for example Google Sheets. There is a specific exception to this with virtual columns which are not actually stored anywhere bit rather calculated on demand.

What this all means is that if you want to visualise the data you can actually do this from the data source. For example I have used Data Studio to provide a variety of interactive dashboards on top of a Google Sheet which is entirely populated through AppSheet.

I realise this is not providing exactly what you are asking for, the inclusion of charts in a report template, bit it may open up some alternative approaches.

Thanks for the reply Graham..

Yes - I realise that the underlying data is stored in Google Sheets.  I have a slightly different model than yours, where I am using Appsheet to render the data (as opposed to using it to gather data).  I find Appsheet more suitable for my application than Data Studio, and the charts / graphs available in Appsheet a perfect solution for what I need.  I was hoping that I could use the Appsheet scheduled emails / reports and these charts/graphs on the one platform but I now know that's not possible.  Which is fine - I can stop looking down this rabbit hole for a solution.  Maybe one day, now that Google own Appsheet - they may look for a way to provide what I am looking for.  Although Appsheet is not technically a data source they may be able to find a way to connect to this (virtual) data source.



@RoryF wrote:

Which is a pity as it means that the only "reports" from Appsheet are tabular listing of records...

Nah, you are wrong!

Some tricks and you can even have awesome charts there.

Just some HTML/CCS+Quickchart is needed

Hi @RoryF ,

As I mentioned,  since both of your posts were almost  simultaneously asked, as I mentioned my response was mistakenly interchanged. But my response in this thread clearly answers my response to "stopping report when records are not there."

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Charts and graphs can only use data in the app's tables. You cannot graph/chart ephemeral data generated on-the-fly.

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