Reports and security filters

Hi All,

Design question.

I have two companies using the same data tables with their data separated by security filters using their useremail() email addresses. This could be extended to many distinct companies and their unique useremail()'s

I have a daily report that has to go to each company with only their data. It appears I will have to create a separate report for each and every company i.e. useremail().

Q. I’m wondering, is their any way to create one report that will run for each company i.e useremail()?

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You can do it using ref tables and scheduled reports - see

Create a new table which is a list of UserEMail() logins in one column and the email address the report needs to go to in the next column

Create a report which looks at this table but with ForEachRowInTable set. So if this table has for example 4 rows therefore 4 customers, it will send 4 seperate reports

Then in the workflow template you’ll need the START condition to reference the new customer table row and then pull in only those clients. Something like

<<START: Select(MainTable[LoginEmail],[LoginEmail]=[_Thisrow].[UserEmail])>>

Assumes that the following column are storing UserEmail() data:

Hope this helps

Yessir. That’s perfect. Much appreciated!


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