Require filter selection when chaning to a view

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

App has a collection of stats.  A summary view displays a stacked graph of the data, which doesn't make sense until a filter is applied.  Would like to force the user to select a filter when changing to this view only.   How could this be done?

0 3 71

You might rather want to create the filtered view from the beginning and show it instead to the user. You can do this with a Slice for example. 

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Functionally this would do it, but if I understand how this would flow to integration there would be one view for each slice... correct?   If there were only two slices, that would be perfect...  For this case it would require at least 10, possibly more.   Is there is landscape somewhere else for the view/slice to be displayed?   Right now all my views are tabs across the bottom.  Seems 5-6 is about the max before things get really cluttered.

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