Required field in table slice

I have a set of data which needs to be stored in one table, however from this table we derive some forms, each using a slice of the table. We have one form which uses a set of required fields. Another form which uses a mixture of some required and some not required.

The forms are completed in order, with the first being the one with all required fields. This gets saved, and then the user starts the second form. When the second form is displayed, the fields that are required are not appearing as such.

Is it possible to separate out a single table into sliced forms in this way and still maintain the required status of the fields?

0 3 90

@gm6379 wrote:

Is it possible to separate out a single table into sliced forms in this way and still maintain the required status of the fields?

Sure, but I don't get why are you having problems.

Can you share your setup? Maybe screenshots?

โ€ƒHere are the two data slices, they both slice the same table 'Form Responses 1':

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.21.33.png

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.21.54.png

The slice actions for both is Auto, so in the case of the new starter questions, this results in a new row, and for the employment module this results in an edit to the row.

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.30.28.png

This is the question that isn't appearing as required in the employment module:

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.32.59.png

It doesn't supply an initial value:

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.35.03.png

These are the two views:

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.35.59.png

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 04.36.16.png

My only theory currently is that because we are 'editing' the field in the second form, that it doesn't display the required status for the field

I discovered the issue was that I wasn't editing the row as I intended in the form derived from the Employment module table slice.

I needed to tell AppSheet which row to update when we start editing, otherwise it was creating a new row in the table.

I did this by updating the Row Key in the form view:

Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 18.19.13.png

Now it updates the row as expected, and displays the required status of the fields.โ€ƒ

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