Row Filter Conditions for multiple drop down values

I am trying to create a view via my Slices Row Filter conditions that only shows rows with Blanks or the Dropdown option "Delete" in 5 different columns. 

Each row has a drop-down list of 6 options, but I need one view that only shows rows that at least one of the specified columns is a Blank or has selected Delete, and not show any rows that have any of the other drop down options.

I've tried different ways of attacking this in different ways, but I think I'm caught in the logic here, when ever I try to make a formula for this:

  • it either nothing happens at all because one of the columns satisfies the condition,  but the filter still allows columns with the other options to show
  • the filter shows no rows at in the view because it checks all columns for the same values instead

How would I can, I create a filter that will show only rows where these any of these columns have either of these two values in at a least one of them. But also not show rows with any other values in those specific columns


# Col1Col2Col3
2Name  Delete
3Name CC

Filtered View:

# Col1Col2Col3
2Name  Delete
Solved Solved
0 6 378

Thanks for more info. Yes, earlier expression was suggested on incomplete data. I think there are still more possibilities that you have not listed. For example if columns are just A, B or C with or without spaces and without "Delete" in any of them.

For example ,expected results for below cases are not mentioned.



Can you please try


OR(ISBLANK([Col1]), [Col1]="Delete") ,

OR(ISBLANK([Col2]), [Col2]="Delete") ,

OR(ISBLANK([Col3]), [Col3]="Delete")





View solution in original post


I think your example data could be more elaborate to state the requirement. For example what if a column has A or C and another column in the same row has delete or it is blank-should that row be selected or excluded? You have shared examples of only exclusive data examples - some rows in the example h have only A or C ( rows 1 and 3) or they have only delete and Blank( rows 2 and 4) 

Based on information so far ,  could you please try


OR([Col1]="DELETE",  [Col2]="DELETE" , [Col3]="DELETE"),

NOT(AND(ISNOTBLANK(LIST([Col1], [Col2] , [Col3])), NOT(IN("DELETE", LIST([Col1], [Col2] , [Col3]))))






Thank you, I'll try this now. Here is a more detailed view of the requirement


#NamesCol1Col2Col3Rows To Keep
2Name  Delete Keep
4NameDelete DeleteKeep
5Name   Keep

Filtered View:

2Name  Delete
4NameDelete Delete

This didn't work either, it left the view the same and still showed the other values.

Thanks for more info. Yes, earlier expression was suggested on incomplete data. I think there are still more possibilities that you have not listed. For example if columns are just A, B or C with or without spaces and without "Delete" in any of them.

For example ,expected results for below cases are not mentioned.



Can you please try


OR(ISBLANK([Col1]), [Col1]="Delete") ,

OR(ISBLANK([Col2]), [Col2]="Delete") ,

OR(ISBLANK([Col3]), [Col3]="Delete")





THANK YOU! It worked!

Rows like these below would all be filtered out and not in this view, and it that's exactly what happened. 


Thanks again

Hi, check out this video, it's have to help you out 

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