Running into an issue with changing values for true / false or displayed Yes/No values

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Running into an issue with changing values for true / false or displayed Yes/No values

FYI I’ve tried this with both Action and Automation and in both cases it fails…or I’m confused as to how to make it run.

I have a yes/no field that is displayed as yes/no instead of true/false.
I want to run an action to change the value back to false after saved as true.

Prior to the new automation addon it worked fine, but now…

The condition to change the value is if it is true or in the displayed value Yes

Do I set the change condition to the displayed value or the default true/false value in order for it to run?

ie. send = true or send = Yes

and do I change the value back to true or no?

and do I need parentheses around displayed values?


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The expressions will work against TRUE or FALSE and not Yes or NO.

So if you wish to have the display value as “Yes” , please set the column as TRUE and FALSE for a display value of “No”

The expression will be something like [Column Name]= TRUE or simply [Column Name] to test TRUE or “Yes” status. The expression will be [Column Name]= FALSE NOT([Column Name]) TO TEST “No” status.

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