Runs the procedure when a change in cell values ​​occurs

welcome everybody
I have two tables
The first table (reservations table) includes the following cells: a, b, c, d
cell a is the reference,

The second table (execution section) includes the following cells:
cell a is the reference in the reservations table,

There is a procedure that copies cells (a,b,c,d) in the reservations table to the execution table.
I want to set a condition for this procedure so that it only works if there is a change in the copied cell values

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It seems possible that you might be able to streamline your data structure by referencing Bookings data in the Implementation table rather than copying data or by updating existing rows in the Implementation table rather than creating new rows.

Given your current data structure, here's one brute force approach to illustrate how you could accomplish what you need. There might be more elegant techniques. Here's a draft expression for the action's condition.

  [Situation] = "new", 
    [Booking Id] = [_THISROW].[ID]
  ) <>
      [Booking Id] = [_THISROW].[ID],
      [Number] = [_THISROW].[Number],
      [Hotel] = [_THISROW].[Hotel]

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@kenda_lokman wrote:

I want to set a condition for this procedure

How to do this depends on what "procedure" you've implemented. An action? An automation? If you elaborate, a community expert can likely advise.

Thank you @dbaum
The values ​​are copied by action

Again, if you elaborate someone can likely provide targeted guidance. Here are some general points related to actions:

  • If you're using a Data: execute an action on a set of rows action, use an expression in the Referenced Rows property that returns a list of only the relevant rows.
  • In any action, use an expression in the Only if this condition is true property that returns true only when you want the action to execute.
  • Consider whether you need to copy the data at all. You might be able to accomplish what you need simply using dereference expressions.

I regret not being this answer.
I want him to do this action if he is
[ID] located in the first table = [ID of reservation] located in the second table
And if [B] in the first table <> [B] in the second table


Here's my best guess at something that you could use. For more targeted guidance, you probably need to provide screenshots of the action configuration, an explanation of how the action is triggered, and samples from your data.

[B] <> INDEX([Related Executions][B], 1) 



The required scenario when adding a new row in the first table (bookings) is to send a copy to the second table (implementation) through action (Send for implementation) when two conditions are met: 1- The value of the cell [Situation] in the first table (bookings) = “new”
2 - In the case of modifying the row in the first table, a new copy is not sent unless there is a change in the value of the cells of the first table (bookings) [Hotel], [Number].
The help I need is the formula for this clause


It seems possible that you might be able to streamline your data structure by referencing Bookings data in the Implementation table rather than copying data or by updating existing rows in the Implementation table rather than creating new rows.

Given your current data structure, here's one brute force approach to illustrate how you could accomplish what you need. There might be more elegant techniques. Here's a draft expression for the action's condition.

  [Situation] = "new", 
    [Booking Id] = [_THISROW].[ID]
  ) <>
      [Booking Id] = [_THISROW].[ID],
      [Number] = [_THISROW].[Number],
      [Hotel] = [_THISROW].[Hotel]

Unfortunately, I tried it, but I found that Action works in the absence of a change

I want to add two conditions

1- [Situation] = "new",

2- [ID] does not exist in the "Implementation"table.

@dbaum @Tommy62 

Hier mal ein 10 Minuten langes Video, welches Ihr Problem vielleicht lösen könnte.

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