SEARCH FIELD: (aka UH-OH! What did I do?)

When I type a name in the SEARCH field (top of screen) it no longer filters my list. 

I can click the FILTER icon and perform the filter action.

What did I do to disable the instant response to filtering?


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I unfortunately had to give up on Tech Support -- hopefully the person helping me is OK, our communication abruptly went silent so I am not sure what happened to them.

After regaining control of my apps, I went in and limited the number of SEARCHABLE fields to only those TEXT fields of importance for any search -- including computed fields. After doing this and saving the app -- the search field works again as expected. While I do NOT know exactly the interaction that broke the searching or required more search criteria, it is now functioning as expected -- with minimal search criterion. 

View solution in original post


I haven't seen this ever, did you report it to support already?

I have not -- I figured it was something odd I did and did not realize it. 
I have reported it to SUPPORT -- but I still suspect it is something I did and not a problem with the platform otherwise there'd be more people with the issue -- I would think. 

Is the name field that you're searching for actually a Ref to another table, where the displayed names are a label column that is different from the key column?

No the app is fairly simple. No ref fields. 
G-Sheet <> Views/Forms.

I have a person from Support looking into it. 

As I've re-read your thoughts here over a number of times, while there are no REF type columns I do use vColumns. 

Unfortunately I did not adhere to a very strict dev/test discipline so I cannot tell you when I broke the search functionality. 

Most likely it is trying to work, because when I added a new G-Sheet/TAB/dataset with UX views for that TAB/dataset the search field for those views works.

They work maybe because I'm not using a computed field? Though I would think you should be able to search a computed field -- but maybe not?

After doing more testing I've realized the filtering *is* working, its just not working for a specific field. So I'll investigate if I have all the fields applicable selected.

The one field, FIRST_NAME, seems to not be  searchable, though search is checked and the field is included in the slice.

I am wondering if the order of fields in a slice dictate the order fields are searched?

Testing that theory. 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@JJ_TechSupport wrote:

I am wondering if the order of fields in a slice dictate the order fields are searched?

It should not.

Note that the column must be showable (Show? is ON or an expression that evaluates to TRUE) to be searchable.

I unfortunately had to give up on Tech Support -- hopefully the person helping me is OK, our communication abruptly went silent so I am not sure what happened to them.

After regaining control of my apps, I went in and limited the number of SEARCHABLE fields to only those TEXT fields of importance for any search -- including computed fields. After doing this and saving the app -- the search field works again as expected. While I do NOT know exactly the interaction that broke the searching or required more search criteria, it is now functioning as expected -- with minimal search criterion. 

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