SLICE not filtering

Hey all,

So I'm a bit stumped on where I've gone wrong.

Please note the below code for a slice row level filter:

I'm also uploading what the tables and date currently looks like.

Essentially, the filter should look up the useremail in the enum lists table and return a cell filled with applicable employment levels comma seperated lists.
This should be compared to a column in the views table as to whether that particular view is filtered or not.

I've based this off another app which I created working fine, yet I can't figure out for the life of me where I'm going wrong.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Screen Shot 2022-12-18 at 7.27.56 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-12-18 at 7.28.23 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-12-18 at 7.29.04 PM.png

0 4 141

Please try


That should work, but alas it does not.

I might contact support and get them to check if there is something incorrect.

Yes, you are correct. It should work.

When I tested in similar environment with same column names except table name, it worked for me. It shows yes for the views where the employment level permits it.  I am sure you have already ensured it, but just in case, you may also want to double check you have entered  USEREMAIL() of the email ID that you are testing with. 



You certainly don't need the "[_THISROW]." portion in the expression.

I would also change the SPLIT(LOOKUP()) to instead be SPLIT(TEXT(SELECT()))

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