Same number is not repeating


Hello Team,

I'm encountering an issue with the Pallet Trigger functionality. Initially, when I enter '20' in the Pallet Trigger field, it correctly reflects in the Pallet Boxes. However, subsequent attempts to re-enter '20' and pressing 'Enter' are not causing any updates.

For your reference, I've employed the formula below for the Pallet Boxes column:

[Pallet Trigger] <> 0,
ISBLANK([Pallet Boxes]),
TEXT([Pallet Trigger]),
[Pallet Boxes] & "โ†’" & TEXT([Pallet Trigger])
[Pallet Boxes]

Additionally, I have another requirement. When a user enters a number in the Pallet Trigger Column and then presses the 'Enter' button, the field should become blank, allowing them to input a new number.

I appreciate your assistance in resolving these issues.


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Not possible.

is there any alternate solution?

Why do you think the Boxes column would have another value if the Trigger value is always the same 20?

No, it will not be the same. For example, if I enter 10 in the Pallet Trigger, it will reflect in the Pallet Boxes column. However, if I try to enter a different number, such as 20, it will also reflect in the Pallet Boxes column. But if I try to enter 20 again, it will not reflect.

"if I try to enter a different number, such as 20, it will also reflect in the Pallet Boxes column. But if I try to enter 20 again, it will not reflect."

What's the difference?

In the Pallet Boxes, the display should read as 10โ†’20โ†’20, but it is not currently happening.

It's not happening because you still have the same record opened.

Is there any alternate solution because how I want so there will be two columns first column will be for the pallet trigger and the second column will be pilot boxes so whatever number I will enter in pilot trigger it should reflect in second column for the record an if I repeat the number again should be added to there in the second column

You would need to save that record first.. and then reopening the same record again. Though if you do that with an even action, it will open it quickly.

How ? Can I have some examples? 

If you create an action like LINKTOROW([Key],"FormViewName"), and set that as an Event action from that form views definition, it will reopen it when you save it.

Unfortunately, it is still not functioning. I have thoroughly inspected it.

You would need to change your formula so it would also read the old value and then add the new calculation into it.

I did a quick check and if [Pallet Trigger] field type is set TEXT then it behaves as you are requesting. For some reason, either a bug or a spec, a Number field does not seem to trigger an update if the same number is entered sequentially.

Apparently my previous statement is false...

I do not know what I saw ...

Seems like you got a solution now anyway.

I have attached the image and formulas of the below column to understand my issue 

Pallet Boxes 
[Pallet Trigger] <> 0,
ISBLANK([Pallet Boxes]),
TEXT([Pallet Trigger]),
[Pallet Boxes] & "โ†’" & TEXT([Pallet Trigger])
[Pallet Boxes]

Pallet Trigger

[Pallet Loading] = "Yes"



    NOT(ISBLANK([Pallet Trigger])),
    [Pallet Trigger] <> [_ThisRowBefore].[Pallet Trigger]
    ISBLANK([Pallet Boxes]),
    TEXT([Pallet Trigger]),
    [Pallet Boxes] & "โ†’" & TEXT([Pallet Trigger])
  [Pallet Boxes]

I'm getting the below error while entering this formula in the Pallet Boxes ColumnRSHARM01_0-1692005406044.png



Thank you, it's now functioning correctly in the Pallet Box. I'm able to repeat the number as needed. Now, I require help with the Pallet Trigger Column. Once a user inputs a number in the Pallet Trigger Column and subsequently presses the 'Enter' key, the field should reset to being blank. This will enable them to enter a new number

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