Save Button Missing (Details Page) On Dashboard

Hi All!

Was hoping to get some help in this. For some reason, about a week ago, the "Save" button is missing when I click "Edit" on a details page within a dashboard. The only way I can get the "Save" button to show up is to expand said "Details" page into it's own view much like clicking on a table>details UX.

Any help in this would be amazing. Appreciate this community!

Thank you!

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Yah, that's the desktop preview mode, which is still in beta/preview. You should post this issue to its main announcement thread.

View solution in original post


Are you using the new desktop preview mode?

If not, I don't understand what you're describing, and you should add some screenshots.

No problem! I tried to screenshot everything to not show any private data.

View 1: This is how we use almost all of these menus to auto pop up the detail page from the table. I then click on the red "Edit" system button on the top right

View 2: This is to show there is no "Cancel" & "Save" button while in the form view of that detail page

View 3: This is to show after I expanded the detail page to it's own view and then clicked the red system edit to show the cancel and save buttons.

Hope this helps!

It used to show the cancel and view right on the dashboard when clicking edit on the detail page without having to expand it up until about a week ago or so. All my attempts to research or fix this has failed so hence the post ๐Ÿ™‚


Thank you!View 1View 1View 2View 2View 3View 3

Oh and yes, definitely been using Desktop preview mode from its release ๐Ÿ™‚

Yah, that's the desktop preview mode, which is still in beta/preview. You should post this issue to its main announcement thread.

Afaik, now the edit mode should always default to Form when using a detail view inside a dashboard, which should fix it.

@lizlynch wrote:

The Edit button within the dashboard view entries opens the view in a form drawer, regardless of if Edit in place mode is enabled for that view.

April 7, 2023 - Google Cloud Community

I found a way to find your saved list. If you click on the search bar in the maps app, you will get a menu that reads, home work and more. Click on the 3 dots before the word more and you will see your saved lists. Hope this helps as you will not see the saved button at the bottom of the maps app. 

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