Schedule Reports Bug?

Hi, I am experiencing problems with the scheduled reports.

I have multiple reports scheduled to run and this morning at 8:30am (UK Time) I realised that some of these were not running and some that had ran multiple times.

The attachments seem to be created correctly but if you look below you can see the exact same scheduled report ran twice.

Is there any other users reporting this issue or a particular reason behind it?

I tried testing the reports again via the app editor and didnโ€™t receive any.

Help appreciated, thank you

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I simply suspected that recent change in mail service to Google Chime could be related to this odd behavior?

This is what i m refering to. @Sarah_Keown I suggest you visit your audit log and see โ€œEmailTaskResultโ€ part to see what it says.

The task result is below:


Thanks, Obviously your app is sending email, using Google Chime as mail delivery services instead of Mandrill.

I just leave it to the good hand of @Phil

I only suspect this Google Chime is doing something wrong with you.

Thanks very much

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Support has been investigating, but will need access to your app to troubleshoot further. Please contact for further help.

Hi Sarah,

I just looked at Audit History for your application โ€œMillbrookParkPh6Orders-769246โ€.
Seven reports ran for that application today 12/11/2020.
They are:

Electrical Follow Up Deliveries
Mechanical Follow Up Deliveries
Electrical Requests
Mechanical Requests
Procurement Query Report
Pending Accounts Approval
Site Query Report

Each ran exactly once.

As Koichi-san said, we probably need to focus on email delivery using Google Chime email
We made a DNS configuration change at 10:30AM PST 2020/12/11 that may solve some email delivery problems.

Is it possible for you to repeat your Report tests and see if you receive the emails now?

I am also checking the status of the emails in the Google Chime log files.
I will let you know what I find.

All seems to working fine this morning. Scheduled reports are running and email received once instead of twice. (Sarah and I work together)

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