Scheduled Email

I scheduled an email for 7 days prior on daily basis to the employees whose access end date coming within these 7 days.

([Access End Date]-7)>=Today()

But output is not as expect. Please help

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Silver 4
Silver 4

THE RETURN VALUE OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO DATES is hh:mm:ss. To get the number of days, it is necessary to divide by 24.

To get days with 7 days or less left on access date, I suggest you try this expression.

and ( 
    hour([Access End Date]-Today())/24 <=7,
         [Access End Date]>=Today()


View solution in original post


The fact that is not as expected just tells us that it's not working, we need to know why. Please tell us what you have done and what do you expect

I want to send email 7 days prior on daily basis to employees whose application renewal date coming within 7 days.

Your formula:

([Access End Date]-7)>=Today()

Is telling AppSheet:
"Trigger just if the end date is more than a week in the future".

I think you need this:

([Access End Date]-7)<=Today()

"Trigger if the end date is between today and the next week"

Silver 4
Silver 4

THE RETURN VALUE OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO DATES is hh:mm:ss. To get the number of days, it is necessary to divide by 24.

To get days with 7 days or less left on access date, I suggest you try this expression.

and ( 
    hour([Access End Date]-Today())/24 <=7,
         [Access End Date]>=Today()


Thanku so much. This expression is working.


This condition is working fine with my existing app. But if Im using same condition in different app Im not getting email and in test it shows success. And if Im removing >sign its sending email to wrong users. What could be the reasons of that


The expression is working fine. For this condition email should we trigger to specific user's email account but Im receiving details of all users whose access about to end.



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