Searching for data in multiple tables

Hi, is it possible to search for data in multiple tables or AppSheet is limited to search only for data in one table ?

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Consider using an interactive dashboard view that filters views from multiple tables based on selections in one table.

View solution in original post


Consider using an interactive dashboard view that filters views from multiple tables based on selections in one table.


1.In order to search columns of related parent-tables, you need virtual columns which show values from the parent tables like

[?parent table's name?].[?parent table's column name?]

Then make sure the search option of the virtual column is checked.

2.In order to search the key-column (built by group of columns in child-table) of related child-tables (normally like [Related tableName's]), make sure the search option of this column is checked. But this can impact search performance, so use it when really need.

3.In order to search columns of stand-alone or indirectly related tables (no Ref column in child-tables/no Related...s columns in parent-tables), you need virtual columns which show values using LOOKUP(). Then make sure the search option of the virtual column is checked.


Is there an example of this?

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