Seize a table for every row of another table

I need a help! @Steve 

I have 3 Table.

The first is called MASTER and have 1 information: Teach.


 The second is called DATABASS and have 3 informations: Class, Studant, Adress.


 The third is called REGISTER and have 5 informations:  Teach , Class, Studant, Date, Comment)


 I want firstly to register in DATABASS the informations2.png

 and then i want to acess Table DATABASS in MASTER[Teach], ie, seize a table for every row of another table.1.png




4.pngThen click in row of the table DATABASS so that open a REGISTER_form auto filled with informations(Teach , Class, Studant) and finally register in REGISTER.6.png









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I don't know what you mean by "seize".

Use the information that is in a table and then take advantage of them to fill in the form of another table

I think you are struggling because you are trying to create tables based in a generic operational sense  - Master, Database, Registrations. 

You will find it easier if you build the tables to represent the entities and objects the app is actually operating with.

For example, this is standard education app.  At the very least the tables should be:

  • Teachers - a list of teachers + details.
  • Courses - list of courses and Teacher who teaches it + details.
  • Students - a list of attending students + details of the student.
  • Registrations - a list of this period student registrations with list of classes enrolled.

And if you are wanting to accommodate different registration periods to handle the shuffling of teachers around in courses they teach, deal with multiple teachers teaching the same course and/or track students courses by registration periods, you would want to add at a minimum these additional Tables:

  • Course Schedule - for the registration period, teacher and time slot of course
  • Registered Courses - a list of courses each student enrolled by registration period.

Then by adding proper Ref type columns to the other tables, you can automatically pull in those other details.  For example, in the Course table you would want a Teacher column defined as a Ref type to the Teachers table.  When a Student enrolls and selects a Course, because of the Teacher Ref column in the Course table, you can automatically pull in the Teacher name, Office number, Office Hours, email, phone number, etc.

I hope this helps you get going!

Thank you for help! 

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