Select() Expression or [Related Childs] expression?

Silver 2
Silver 2

I would like to create an expression saying if one of the child record's status is "In Process" make the status of the Parent record "In Process" as well.

Can Anybody help me with this?

Thank you.




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[Related Childs] is always better than SELECT() because [Related Childs] is anyway created by the system.

Your expression for the VC [Status] in the parent table can be 

IF ( IN( "In Process", [Related Childs][Status]), "In Process", "The Other Status")

"The Other Status" can be the status you want to show when none of the child table statuses is "In Process"

Please post such questions in "Q&A" section.

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[Related Childs] is always better than SELECT() because [Related Childs] is anyway created by the system.

Your expression for the VC [Status] in the parent table can be 

IF ( IN( "In Process", [Related Childs][Status]), "In Process", "The Other Status")

"The Other Status" can be the status you want to show when none of the child table statuses is "In Process"

Please post such questions in "Q&A" section.

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