Select based on enum value

I feel like I must be missing something obvious, since I feel I'm trying to do something relatively simple and can't find a way to make it work. 

I have one table with rows that contain 2 columns of interest; hours, and an enum field that lets the user pick from a list of 3 text values [type1, type2, type3] that describe the 'type' of hours. 

I have another table that has 3 columns in which I'd like to add all hour totals for each of the three types. I saw somewhere else I'd probably have to use a combination of select (to get the hour values for the pertinent rows) and sum (to add them), which seems fine. 

The problem I'm having is I have not been able to get the values I'm interested in. All the select statements I've tried either display an error, or end up returning a list of *all* hour values. 

The two main variations on expressions I've tried are
Select(leave[Hours], IN(type1, leave[type])) (which  just seems to see if 'type1' is in the list of *possible* enum values, and always returns true - thus returning *all* hour values
Select(leave[hours],leave[type] = 'type1) (which gives an error: Cannot compare Text with List)

So my question is, how do I do a comparison against the selected value of an enum column for a specific row rather than checking against the full list of possible enum values? 


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You should be using something like:

SUM( SELECT(leave[Hours], [type] = [_ThisRow].[type]) )

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Welcome to the community!

You should be using something like:

SUM( SELECT(leave[Hours], [type] = [_ThisRow].[type]) )

 I think my main mistake was in referencing using the table name in the second argument to the select rather than just the column name. Once I changed "Select(leave[hours],leave[type] = 'type1) " to "Select(leave[hours], [type] = 'type1') " all is good. (of course I then was able to add some additional criteria and move on to SUM). I also added an additional ref column for additional filtering. 

My final expression looked something like this:
SUM(SELECT(leave[hours],  AND( IN( [_rownumber], [_thisrow].[related_leave]),[type]=type1, [Person]=[_thisrow].[person]))) 

Thanks so much, it was driving me a bit mad! 

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


Select(leave[Hours], ("type1" = [type]))

I'm glad you have a solution. 

Would you please explain the purpose of this part? 

IN( [_rownumber], [_thisrow].[related_leave])

I doubt it is giving you the desired result. 

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