Select row of table value in enum list

hello everyone, i need help with the following.

I am creating a form, where the user can select a work area.

From the work area I need to be able to list those operating technicians who can work in the selected area.
The work area for each operator is stored in the USUARIOS table, within the enumList AREAS_TRABAJO.

Can you help me find a solution to be able to list only those users that within the EnumList AREAS_WORK, contain the selected area?

with sql I could solve it with the IN syntax โ€ฆ maybe โ€ฆ but here I canโ€™t figure out how to solve it โ€ฆ I appreciate your help!

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SELECT( ... , IN( [_THISROW].[area] , [areas] ) )


but it doesnโ€™t show me the dropdown to be able to select values โ€‹โ€‹โ€ฆ

The column not showing up is a clear indication that the valid_if SELECT is not returning any results. Iโ€™m not sure what the issue is here, sorry.

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