Select the same button as previous selection.


A small question.

Have a small form to add some data in my app. The user is using scan option on mentioned form and selecting a word by enum button. 


Company name


Would like to select one time only date and company during my scan to scan all barcodes fast without select date and company name each time. 

Select date and company and scan all barcodes one after another. 

Is it possible to make selection as previous for fields selection?

Thanks in advance.

0 6 134

In the Initial value property for the Date and Company Name columns, enter an expression that returns the value you want to be the default. For example:

  • Date: TODAY()
  • Company Name: LOOKUP([_ROWNUMBER]-1, "MyTableName", "_ROWNUMBER", "Company Name")

Thanks a lot for guiding first.
Explanation of my example was poor i believe.

There is companies more than one as Enum. Let say Company 1, 2, 3 and 4

Advance forms automatically is ON to be able to jump to next field automatically (UX>OPTIONS>Advance forms automatically--> ON)

The fields i need to select is Date, Company and scan barcode.

For the first scan (first bag of first multi scan).

1-Date selected as Today() using the initial value.

2-Company name selected as 1.

3-Barcode scanned.

4-Auto Save

5-Auto Reopen

Would the like to have the cursor position on Scan barcode section. The date and company name must be selected automatically as previous scan (Today() and company 1).

Company name is not selecting when i am using formula you suggested. Am i doing something wrong?

Hope explained clear.


For Company Name, I may have misguided you--potentially the row number of the new record isn't available until it's saved. Try instead the following. In either case, be sure that you're substituting your own table and column names for the table and column names in the expression.

LOOKUP(MAX(MyTableName[_ROWNUMBER]), "MyTableName", "_ROWNUMBER", "Company Name") 

Try positioning your barcode column as the first one in the form. That might open the form with the focus on that input field.

My friend, thanks a lot it is working...

Any ide to be able to scan barcode vertically? The barcode is little bit big and i need to use phone on horizontal position. So it is not easy to scan a barcode on horizontal position if all other information are vertical ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks again for your time you spend for my issue.


I suggest you post your new question separately so that it's seen by community members who might be able to answer it.

I've never used AppSheet barcode functionality.

You are right. New subject summited.


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