Send email to multiple contacts saved in appsheet

I have an app that shows me a list of clients (name, email, phone, address) like a contacts list. Is there a way I can select several contacts at once and then do an action so that I can send an email to all of them at once. Currently I have to go to individual contacts and send emails one by one using an action that I have. Or if I can send one email to a list of everyone that is located in the same county. Something like this. Thank you.

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Please try to identify if you mean Bot/Automation instead of Action, because it seems you are talking about the first one.

Now, when you make a Send an Email task you can write an expression that returns a list of emails, it's not a dificult thing.

Please show us your current setup in order to help

The screenshot below shows how the app looks. The action buttons labeled (high, medium, low) create an email that is sent to the people listed in this contact. I have about 100 contacts in total. I want to send the same high, medium, low email to several contacts at once.

Screenshot 2022-08-09 134236.jpg

Please share that those really do and the automation config behind them

It is not automated. When you click on the buttons only then is an email created that. The "To" box for the email is filled with emails from the contact.

Let's make this clear, there is no email outside "Automation/Bots"

AppSheet Automation: The Essentials - AppSheet Help

See attached screenshot. Like I said earlier this is an action in the behavior tab. When that button is clicked an email is created with the following info. I want a button that will let me send that same email to multiple contacts at once. Currently if I want to send the email I have to open every contact and click that button. Screenshot 2022-08-09 160807.jpg

Screenshot 2022-08-09 160624.jpg

Now it makes sence, you want to start and email on your default app via action but to multiple people.

Afaik, that's not possible

@SkrOYC Correct good sir

@dilawar72 You'll need to create a bot to send an email;  build it on the User table, this way it will "send" from that perspective.

  • Then it's just a matter of manually triggering the bot.  (Tons of documentation and examples on how to do this, give it a search!)

Try using a comma (,) rather than a semicolon (;) as the separator.

Hello everyone,
I have a similar question. I have a table with the following columns.
Now I want to send email to all employees with the same UK_ID.
In the expression wizard I enter the following:

Booked employees[EMAIL(PRIV)]&","&Booked employees[EMAIL(SCH)]

then I get all email addresses. Also those of the other employees.

Can you help me please? I'm inserting a picture of the table here.

Please excuse my English. It is translated with Google.


Thank You SkrOYC, i solved it.

Vielen Dank, ich habe es gelรถst.


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