Sending The Slice Data on Email



Is it possible to send all the data on a specific slice thru email automation? 


I have a monthly schedule of emails to my clients, and I want to send the whole table in a slice (either exported to PDF or seen directly to email) to be sent with it. Also email will not sent if the slice or table is blank. 


Thank you!



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I believe you can apply the same filter condition to your bot that you applied to your filter.

my filter on the table is dependent also on the user. how can I send these filters? what should I place on the recipient's email?

Also, will the recipient receive a filtered table, only applicable to his, or he would see the others?



Not sure if the following will match your requirement exactly but one general approach is..

  • Create a table having a list of users to send email to. It can be just one col with the user email as its key.
    • i.e table send_to with [to] as the key
  • Create a bot against the above table to send email.
  • In a body template you can create a filter condition using an START expression like this.


<<START: SELECT(body[id], [user] = [_THISROW-1].[to])>>


In the example template body is the main table whose content you want to send, so body[id] should be replaced with your table to send[its key col].

The expression assumes that the main table contains a field [user]

[_THISROW-1].[to] refers to the send_to (outer template) table and its key [to].  Note "-1" in [_THISROW-1

The three fields <<id>>, <<user>>, <<fld>> belong to the table you want to send.

With this setup an email is sent to each of the users in send_to table with only the rows in table body whose [user] col matches [to] in send_to.

Please refer to below for more details.


Another approach can be as follows.

You can use slices in the workflow start expressions.

However to ensure that specific data from the slice goes to specific user, you may need additional conditions in the BOT.

For example once the user sets the filter conditions for the slice, then only BOT is enabled ( checking non blanks in filter selections before the BOT can be triggered etc.) and then BOT may also be sent to the user only by having USEEMAIL() in the Email "To" field and so on.

Please take a look at descriptions using slices in report templates



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