Set all values on a subset of rows to FALSE, if marked TRUE in one

I need to mark one item (product) in a subset of rows (product categories) as [active]=true and at the same time change all other items in this subset to [active]=false.

As an added difficulty, there are product categories that actually allow for multiple active items. This would be set at the product category level, e.g. [allow multiple actives]=true.

Products are the child elements of and reference to product categories.

I'm thinking of creating a bot triggering upon change of one product to [active]=true,  IF product categories[allow multiple actives]=FALSE, setting all OTHER products in this category to [active]=false.

What I can't figure out is how to apply that action to all rows/products in the category and exclude the one just changed.

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@wael nvm, I figured it out while doing something entirely different, sometimes you just need to take a step back! Thank you for your input though๐Ÿ˜…

It needs a sequence of actions and a filter function for the "deactivation" action.

filter("Products",AND([Product]=[_thisrow].[Product],[Product ID].[allow multiple actives]=FALSE,[Product ID]<>[_thisrow].[Product ID]))

View solution in original post


Create  Actions 

Do this Data set the values  set these columns  [active]=true 

I'm sorry I don't understand what you're suggesting (I do know how to set up a generic action). Maybe my question wasn't clear, I rephrased a bit:

@JMacFeegle wrote:

I'm thinking of creating a bot triggering upon change of one product to [active]=true,  IF product categories[allow multiple actives]=FALSE, setting all OTHER products in this category to [active]=false.

What I can't figure out is how to apply that action to all rows/products in the category and exclude the one just changed.



@wael nvm, I figured it out while doing something entirely different, sometimes you just need to take a step back! Thank you for your input though๐Ÿ˜…

It needs a sequence of actions and a filter function for the "deactivation" action.

filter("Products",AND([Product]=[_thisrow].[Product],[Product ID].[allow multiple actives]=FALSE,[Product ID]<>[_thisrow].[Product ID]))

I have a text box in a registration form. I want to do a search in the Different table with anything else, and so far I can't do that

I would like to get tips to solve this problem

What you got so far

SELECT(Combined data[Description],[Description] =
SPLIT(TRIM([_THISROW].[Item]), " "),
(SPLIT(TRIM([Item No.]), " ")
+SPLIT(TRIM([Description]), " ")
+SPLIT(TRIM([Total Qty]), " ")

Better post this a a question for the community, I'm definitely not the right person to ask for advice, I'm usually the one asking myself!

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