Set an initial ENUM type to a music time signature like 4/4

Hey All,

I am building a music app that has time signature choices as ENUM type.  I'd like to set the INITIAL VALUE to the ENUM for 4/4 as it's the most common.  However, using "4/4" leads AppSheet to interpreting it as a STRING type and complains.  Using '4/4' as suggested in the error message, leads to AppSheet interpreting it as a DATE type! 

I tried the programmatic way of escaping  the "/" with a "\" (ie. '4\/4'), but of course that didn't work either - it includes the "\" character and appears to add it to my list...


Is there a way to do this? 

(I just add to this that I tried Unicode characters and although they work, they are much smaller and hard to see)

Solved Solved
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Please try an initial value expression of 


This is assuming the enum column has base type as text.

View solution in original post


Please try an initial value expression of 


This is assuming the enum column has base type as text.

Well that's crazy because I tried other String functions and they didn't work, but that did! 
Thanks much @Suvrutt_Gurjar !!  😊

Actually the base type as defined in my AppSheet DB (if I understand the question) is ENUM not String.  But concatenate() worked as you can see below...




You are welcome @KGingeri .



@KGingeri wrote:

Actually the base type as defined in my AppScript DB (if I understand the question) is ENUM not String.  But concatenate() worked as you can see below...


Hi @KGingeri , 

I noticed this sentence just now. I believe you mean AppSheet DB and not AppScript DB.

By base type I mean the setting  highlighted below. An enum or enumlist column can have different base types such as long text, text, image etc.


Hope this helps.


@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

I noticed this sentence just now. I believe you mean AppSheet DB and not AppScript DB.

Indeed!  Good catch.  I have done my share of "AppScript" programming. So my ol'brain doesn't separate them well! 😂  (I'll edit it after I reply here)

@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

By base type I mean the setting  highlighted below. An enum or enumlist column can have different base types such as long text, text, image etc.

Oh!  I do forget about that little pencil Icon and all the settings hidden there! 


Wow - there are a lot of "Base Types"!  Thanks for that bit of education as well!
I'm finding this community very responsive and helpful!! 😁 👏

Just an after thought here...
I'm not sure why other string functions wouldn't work then. 
For instance I had tried TRIM("4/4") and it didn't as well as just "4/4".  Interesting, I don't see why not, but it's working now. So I'm good for now.

@KGingeri wrote:

For instance I had tried TRIM("4/4") and it didn't as well as just "4/4".  Interesting, I don't see why not, but it's working now. So I'm good for now.

I think it could to do with the way AppSheet parser has been working. For a string of "4/4" it seems to be recognizing it as a date pattern. TRIM() will remove any empty spaces around but the string format of "4/4" still remains to recognize it as date.

With CONCATENATE() I believe parser thinks a text string is to follow and does not interpret or try to convert it as a date.  In a way by adding CONCATENATE(), it is explicit instruction to expect a text string to concatenate and not to attempt to interpret any other data type. Of course this is my understanding. Maybe I am incorrect. 

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