Set column's initial value to column's most common existing value

What's the best way to set a column's initial value to the column's most common existing value? I experimented with various approaches and ultimately implemented the following, but feel like there must be a simpler technique.

In this example, I set the initial value for the Location column in the Events table to be the Location that is already the most common location across events.

Create a "Location Count" virtual column in the Events table to count the frequency of each event's location:

	SELECT(Events[Location Code], 
  [Location Code] = [_THISROW].[Location Code])

For the Location column's initial value, combine the LOOKUP and MAXROW functions to find the location with the highest count:

	MAXROW(Events, "Location Count"), 
  "Event ID", 
  "Location Code"


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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Untested, but you could experiment with this:

  COUNT(FILTER(table, ([_THISROW-1].[column] = [column]))),

Note that using a virtual column for this is going to get really expensive really fast. Consider wrapping the App formula expression for the virtual column with:

  ("Form" = CONTEXT("ViewType")),


View solution in original post


ANY(Select(Events[Location Code],[Location Count]=

MAX(Select(Events[Location Count],TRUE))


So the MAX(Select... finds he highest count then the ANY(Select... finds the first [Location Code] which has this number.  Not very elegant but should work.

Thanks. That seems pretty equivalent to my LOOKUP expression.

Let's see whether other experts come up with something even better--ideally, obviating the need to maintain the virtual column in the first place.

Meanwhile, suggested a new MODE function.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Untested, but you could experiment with this:

  COUNT(FILTER(table, ([_THISROW-1].[column] = [column]))),

Note that using a virtual column for this is going to get really expensive really fast. Consider wrapping the App formula expression for the virtual column with:

  ("Form" = CONTEXT("ViewType")),


Hooray! Expression superhero @Steve does it again. Thanks a lot.

Somewhere along the way, I had tried a similar technique using [_THISROW], but hadn't tried including the "-1". I had assumed that [_THISROW] and [_THISROW-1] were equivalent in this context since there were only two levels of reference involved. If you have time at some point, it would be helpful to add here a conceptual explanation of your expression.

For those helped by referencing a concrete example, here's an updated version using the Locations and Events scenario from my original post. See that I wrapped Steve's expression in an INDEX() function to yield a single value for the column's Initial value property rather than the list value that is the output of the ORDERBY() function.

    Locations[Location Code],
        [Location Code] = [_THISROW-1].[Location Code], 

I've deleted my virtual column since it's no longer needed. Your idea to add a CONTEXT() condition to such columns is also helpful technique to keep in mind.

@dbaum wrote:

Somewhere along the way, I had tried a similar technique using [_THISROW], but hadn't tried including the "-1". I had assumed that [_THISROW] and [_THISROW-1] were equivalent in this context since there were only two levels of reference involved. If you have time at some point, it would be helpful to add here a conceptual explanation of your expression.

My expectation (again, having not tested it myself) is that [_THISROW-1] in this context refers to the row ORDERBY() is currently considering.

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