Setting up BOT requires Column ID?

Hi everyone, i'm not really sure how to describe my problem but i try. I wanted to create a BOT that set`s 2 values every month at 28th ,
value a = today() #i want the 28th of the current Month to be the Value
value b = "unpaid"

when i select my process then it gives me a warning of "Missing required columns ID".

Warning MessageWarning MessageProcessProcess

0 6 213

oh and also it gives me these error's
yes the app is right now in dev.state



ID is required so you need to set the ID column as well along with "value a" and "value b"

OKey, but then i would perform the same action twice on Value b or am i wrong? 

In the "Process" i set "action on rows" the reference table and row and what action should be performed ("referenced action")

you can take a closer look in the first post where i attached an screenshot on how the process is setup


Can you please explain a bit more what are you trying to achieve?

On the 28th of each month, which rows do you want to update? Which table they belong to?

Or maybe you are trying to add rows to a table? Or just one single row?

Thank you 

sorry for the late reply. the email notification ended up in spam at gmail.... lol... i want to set the value from row "Paid this month" to "no" and that every month on the 28th. I am trying to create an app that will help me keep track of my finances and what needs to be paid every month, every half year or yearly, etc. For the monthly debits I have made two actions called either "paid" or "unpaid". when I see on my account that something has been paid, I click on it and the row "paid this month" is set to "yes" and is only visible on a second page with a corresponding filter. However, the row "Paid this month" should automatically set itself to "no" every month shortly before the end, i.e. on the 28th, in order to be able to start again from the beginning for the new month. it may sound a bit strange to some, but I have great difficulty keeping an overview. With this method, which I currently do manually in Excel, I managed so far quite well. However, Excel is not really smartphone friendly designed as this can be implemented purely in Excel. I hope the explanation of the basic function of the app idea helps to understand what I am trying to achieve. Anyway, a thousand thanks in advance for the help!

oh and what i forgot was "value b" is in a separate row called "when". The value there should be the 28th day of the month. But this action should be executed only once when the 28th day of the current month is reached.

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