Should I be able to run a demo app in an iframe?

I would like to allow potential clients to try an app I've created running from a page on my website - I've tried putting the preview app into an iframe but nothing is showing - this might be because my site runs on Wordpress though.

So, should what I'm after be possible or am I better off sharing the app with anyone interested and letting them run it on their device?

(I've made the app a public sample but I can't even get to my samples/templates page!)


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Thanks @dbaum - not sure why I hadn't found that in all my searching!

Anyway, I actually got it working with <iframe src="[my_app_ID]?refresh=1&amp;wipe=1" width="320" height="568"></iframe> which is slightly different than the example in the help page.

I should also say that the app I wanted to demo did require a sign on initially but I removed that after seeing that it's not supported in an iframe.  I'm not sure if it was that which got it working or the change in the iframe code.... but it's working now.

The app basically submits a form which isn't supported either so I simply changed the text of the "Submit" button to a blank and it disappeared.

@TedM wrote:

I simply changed the text of the "Submit" button to a blank and it disappeared

ICYMI: Likely only the button label disappeared while the button still exists.

Maybe but there's certainly nothing I can tap on!

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