Show Action in Gallery View

Is it possible to show an Action in Gallery View


I would like to add an Add Action if possible direct from the Gallery 



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You should get an Add action be default. You must have disabled Add capability somewhere - check the Table, Slice (if using one) and even the system Add action itself for the base table.

UPDATED: If you are using a Slice and have specified any action on it at all then you MUST specify all actions you wish available to the Slice - this includes any system actions you want the Slice data/views to have access to.

Here is a quick sample of a Gallery View I threw into one of my apps.  Notice the Overlay Add button was added automatically.

Screen Shot 2022-03-24 at 9.05.14 AM.png


Thanks for that, I'll have a look through the spec to see where it's disabled.


Thanks for the support.



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