Show_If in Detail view not working

In my application is a virtual column that counts how many people will participate in a meeting.
The data type is 'Number'. The name of the column is [v|Counter].

In my Detail View, I want to show this ONLY if the number is greater the zero AND if the meeting has a 'Yes' in the '[Registration Allowed]' column.


The counter is calculated by this statement:


The 'Show_If' statement is like this:

I would expect that the information would not be shown if the [v|Counter] is 0 or if [Registration Allowed] is 'No'. But both cases are not happening.
(Yes.....I tried a statement with just one the the two conditions, but not working either.)
(Yes, I even tried with the statement 'False', but also no effect)

The v|Counter is always shown.
No matter the result of the statement
What am I doing wrong?

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You need to set the option Editor > Settings > View type option > Forms > Apply show-if constraints universally. Otherwise the formula has effect only on a form view.

View solution in original post


You need to set the option Editor > Settings > View type option > Forms > Apply show-if constraints universally. Otherwise the formula has effect only on a form view.

Yes......that's it.


You're welcome!

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