Show Multiple Records for a Single Column Value

I have two tables called Main Table and User Report Table. Both Tables are having a Column Called Components. I have 1000 rows in Main Table which is having all components information.

I have added Upload CSV action for Users to put their components in User Report Table. So By using Lookup option I get all information from Main Table to User Report Table.

So users will upload components and they will get the informations in User Report Table. But In Some Cases like if single Component having Multiple records in Main Table I need to get all those records in to User Report Table.

For Ex: If User upload only one Component in a CSV file to User Report Table and for that component if we have two records in Main Table I want those two records in User Report Table also.

How we can automatically add another row If single Component having 2 records.

Here In Main table I have 3 records for Component 1


User Will Upload a CSV file with one record which is Component 1 and get the report in User Report Table like this


But I want All three records in User Report Table like This


Is there any chance we can get the record like this using Select or any function?

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What is the primary column for the component table?

Consider setting up a primary column using UNIQUEID() as the initial formula. This approach ensures that each new record added via CSV upload is unique.

For enhanced management of new entries, you could implement a bot that automatically removes any duplicates that may occur post-upload.

I don't want to remove other records. I need to show all the duplicate records also in User Report Table. In My question you can see I am trying to get all records that are matching with Component 1 in User Report Table

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