Show a description based on what a user selects from a dropdown

I have a fitness app in appsheet

I have a table named Nutrition with columns -- Nutrition ItemServing Size, Serving Measurement, Calories, Fat (g), Carbs (g), Protein (g)

  • Serving Measurement means Gram(s), Tablespoon(s), Cup(s), etc.
  • Serving Size + Serving Measurement would be something like "3 Tablespoon(s)"

I have another tabled named Daily Diet with columns -- Key, Date, Nutrition Item, Servings

  • Nutrition Item references Nutrition Item from the Nutrition table
  • Servings would be a way for me to enter how many servings I had that day

In a UI form to capture Daily Diet, I want to be able to select a Nutrition Item from a dropdown and when I do the corresponding Serving Size + Serving Measurement display as a text description.

For example, if I select Nutrition Item "Strawberry", I want to see "Serving: 1 Cup(s)" as a description (as 1 Cup is the Serving Size for Strawberries, specifically).

This seems simple, but I have no idea how to do this. Is this a Reference, Select, Lookup... something else? 




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Create a virtual column with an expression like below and make this the label of the table

"Serving: " & [Serving Size] & " " & [Serving Measurement]

Thanks, but I am not sure what you mean here. I have had to create virtual columns that display dependent upon what I select. 

SELECT(Nutrition[Serving Size], ([Nutrition Item] = [_THISROW].[Nutrition Item]))
SELECT(Nutrition[Serving Measurement], ([Nutrition Item] = [_THISROW].[Nutrition Item]))

I wonder if there is a way to have 1 virtual column "concatenate" those. 

The vc should be created in Nutrition table and set as label.

You can create a ref col in Daily Diet to Nutrition table and the dropdown will show the text you are seeking.

I use a virtual column for something like this, I have a members enumlist (where I list all members from the table) for each chosen member it will show all their details below

SELECT(Users[UserID],IN([UserID],[_THISROW].[Members Related to Case]))


This is what it looks like in actionThis is what it looks like in action

This is what it looks like in practice

This roughly worked. I had to make two virtual columns with a Select() for each, as follows:

SELECT(Nutrition[Serving Size], ([Nutrition Item] = [_THISROW].[Nutrition Item]))

SELECT(Nutrition[Serving Measurement], ([Nutrition Item] = [_THISROW].[Nutrition Item]))

The problem now is that for the Serving Size, it will only display a whole number as opposed to a decimal. So, if a Serving Size is 0.25, it shows as 0. It automatically sets that column to "List" type. When I change it to "Decimal", I receive an error--

"Column Name 'Serving Size' in Schema 'Daily Nutrition_Schema' of Column Type 'Decimal' has an invalid app formula '=SELECT(Nutrition[Serving Size], ([Nutrition Item] = [_THISROW].[Nutrition Item]))'. The type of the app formula 'List of Number' does not match the column type 'Decimal'."

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