Show dates within a list of lists in ascending order within a UI Filter


I have problema sorting a EnumList of Dates in a MAP Filter.

We have a Table [Jobs] that holds rental properties that need new photographs taken.

In order to know if the property is available, i have a column [Availability] of type EnumList who's rows hold a List of available dates in the next 14 days.




With this a User is able to check a Map with properties and use the Filter (Availability) to view the availability of ALL properties on the selected date


This works, but there is a problem with the order the dates a shown in the UI Filter:


 When using the Map Filter, i need them to be in ascending order, but this is not the case.


I'm guessing that's because it's a list of list, and the filter is showing them in row order.


Failed: What I've tried so far

I've tried splitting up the list of lists in separate dates, using virtual column and this expresiรณn




This doesn't do the trick of ordering the filter UI, and this causes the functionality to stop working.

It's like the values are no longer related to the properties.


My question is

What can i do to show the available dates in ascending order in the MAP filter?


Hope someone can put me on the right path.

Thank you very much in advance!

Kind regards,




Solved Solved
0 6 185

My quick testing showed that your assumption that the filters show the dates in the order of rows is correct. I also believe this is an inbuilt filter and app creator may not be able to further configure it.

You may need to build an external filter something like below, that could enable you to build the dates dropdown in sequence. But even then getting the dropdown for that filter from your Jobs table from an enumlist of dates could be tricky. It should be possible though. I have not tested this second part.

Slice based on user input

Other community members may have their inputs as well.


View solution in original post


Hi @MDeck 

Welcome to the community.

Your note is indeed well structured to describe the issue.  This really helps.

A few things you may want to add for further clarity for the community members. 

1. Is this date filter filtering dates for multiple properties. Meaning do the dates displayed can belong to any of the available properties in the 14 day period?

2. You mentioned VC solved the problem of at least sorting but some dates are not in ascending order in the second screenshot as well. 1st August is inserted in July dates and 25th July is after 28th July.


Thank you for the feedback Suvrutt, I've updated my initial question


My quick testing showed that your assumption that the filters show the dates in the order of rows is correct. I also believe this is an inbuilt filter and app creator may not be able to further configure it.

You may need to build an external filter something like below, that could enable you to build the dates dropdown in sequence. But even then getting the dropdown for that filter from your Jobs table from an enumlist of dates could be tricky. It should be possible though. I have not tested this second part.

Slice based on user input

Other community members may have their inputs as well.


Hi Suvrutt,

Thanks for the lead towards dynamic dashboard filters.

I changed the implementation and choose to go for a dynamic Dashboard. Way more flexible and less messing with internal filters.

For others that need more info, there is a example app here --> Slice based on user input and here --> Enhanced Dashboard || Sample App 

Thanks for the help!





My experience with filters is that when it comes to Enum or EnumList:

  1. It takes the Values order configured inside the column config
  2. It takes the Suggested Values list order
  3. It takes the Valid_if list order

I'm not sure if the Suggested Values is overritten by Valid_if but you can test that

You are welcome and thank you for the update @MDeck

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